Thursday, October 9, 2008

Long Time, No See

Hey all-

Sorry that I haven't been updating in a while. I feel like I always provide excuses for not doing so, and I am officially going to stop that today. :]

So other than my life being absolutely hectic, it has been going pretty good! I recently took a trip back to Michigan. It was absolutely fabulous.

First of all, my mom had no clue that I was coming back, so it was interesting to see her reaction when I walked up behind her in a restaurant. I believe the first words out of her mouth were “FUCK!” Oh, good times mom, good times.

Taking trips back to Michigan is refreshing for me, because it allows me to reflect on how good my life in New York actually is. What the hell would I be doing now if I were in Michigan? Other than being completely miserable, I’m not entirely sure.

Don’t get me wrong, I love me some good ‘ol Midwest, but it just doesn’t float my boat anymore.

I started reading Madonna: an Intimate Biography. It is fierce. It makes me realize how incredibly rich I need to be one day, and how I need to become famous in the process. Hah.

How does THAT sound????

COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT! It makes me want to write more when I actually see that people are reading :]

s is me and my bff, Andrea. I only hang out with beautiful people....


Anonymous said...

YOU WERE IN MICHIGAN???????????? and didn't call AUNTIE JUDY
I'm pissed at you.
:):):) never...... I could never be PISSED AT YOU

johnny5oh said...


I was only back for 2 days, and didn't really have much time to do anything.

Next time, I promise!!