Sunday, September 28, 2008

Going to Mexico

I bought a few books the other day about how to get into an organization that does volunteer work in other countries. 

I want to go to Mexico this summer and build a school or something like that. 

Am I reaching for the stars here? What do you think?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Britney's new song has leaked on the internet!!!

... and it is HOT!



I got the new Sex and the City DVD yesterday, and made a glorious discovery!


There is a part on the special features disc, where they are talking about all of the clothes and fashion, and there is a clip of me yelling "I love you, Pat!", and then Patricia Field waves at me. 

OH. MY. GOD. I am basically famous. 

My fifteen minutes aren't up yet!!


Was this really happening today??

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Whitney

Hey all :]

VERY floja Sunday today... (floja = lazy, en espaƱol)

I went to The Whitney Museum of American Art. It was tres interesting. I was forced to go for my Communications Today class, but actually found one of the exhibits pretty interesting. This artist, Paul McCarthy, made this exhibit of installations that questioned "space". It challenged what our minds think of the space we're in, and worked against your mind in order to make a rather inviting space seem very uninviting.

Flash forward: there was the awesome piece that was a room. There were four walls, and a door inside of each wall. When you walked inside of it, all of the walls opened, and all of the doors started slamming in the sides of the walls. Then, the walls would slam shut back into the room, and it would start all over again. It was pretty cool to see how people were reacting to it... MINUS the hordes of screaming children that were giggling while jumping in and out of the doors.

There are some places that are acceptable for children, but a museum is NOT one of them... when will people learn!?

There was also this other piece, called the Dymaxion Map. It was a huge map of the world that was painted on the floor. The whole idea was that the map was all spread out in an odd way, it minimized distortion that other maps and globes create. Somehow, parents had turned this into some sort of Find that Country exercise.

REALLY PEOPLE???? Why didn't you just stay home!?

I went to Central Park afterward. Isn't it sad that this is probably one of the last nice days we are going to see?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman

Really? Really, guy who thinks he is Spiderman?


Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I got a haircut today... I will have to post with pictures later :]

Only one person has been able to properly cut my hair, and I'm sad that she's still in Michigan, so I have had trouble finding someone to do it here. I tried out this new place today, and it turned out to be amazing! 

It turns out that the guy who cut my hair is a cousin to the real estate agent that tried finding me an apartment! WHAT A SMALL WORLD!!

What is up with all of you?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hot pants

I bought these shorts online today... 

I hope they make me look like this when I put them on!!

Dylan's :]

I really love my job... 

I don't know what else I could be doing right now...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

School begins!!

Argh! It's been too long! 

Let me tell you all about school....

So the new semester started about two weeks ago, and I have been SUPER busy with everything... My classes go a little something like this: 

Criminal Justice: BORING. The teacher is like an ex-lawyer or something, so the class is completely lecture based. All we do is sit in groups and discuss previous Supreme Court cases, and then we share our feelings about it. 
Weapons of the Spirit: Really? My teacher is obsessed with peace, and we are reading Gandhi's autobiography. Enough said. 
Communications Today: The teacher is brand new. She has only been out of college for a year or so. Needless to say, we aren't doing a whole lot in that class except watching movies and going on field trips. Hey! I'm not complaining! :]
Media: My teacher is absolutely insane, in a good way :] She's a lot like me, her mind travels a million miles a minute, and her mouth can't keep up! She's having a baby in four weeks, so from that point on, the whole class will be online. Not complaining about that either! 
Public Speaking: I had this professor last year, and he is known throughout the college for cancelling classes. Our last class was already cancelled... haha. He told us that all of our speeches would be 1-2 minutes, and none of them can be written down. I'm totally fine with that!

So all in all, the new school year has been pretty good to me so far. My work schedule is fitting right in there, and my nights are now dedicated to homework, and watching seasons 1 and 2 of Ugly Betty. I'm totally getting prepared for the new season! SO EXCITED!

Stay cute :]

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's been a LONG time....

I am SO SORRY everyone! 

Our internet has been out for around a week now, and it has been HELL! 

I started school yesterday, all is going well in that department. I will definitely update later with more info... I just wanted to let you all know that I was still alive! :]

PS- I ran in to Blake Lively again. And this time, she was with Penn Badgley! You KNOW I took photos...